Endless Injustices – At the Centre of Discussion at OSA 28th


The denial of justice, absence of fair treatment and equality among the various nations and nationalities in Ethiopia have been the major themes and focuses of presentations and discussions at the 28th OSA Annual Conference held from August 2nd to 3rd at Howard University in Washington D.C. in USA.

Denial of justice, racial discriminations, lack of equal access to resources and, above all, violations of fundamental human and democratic rights under both past and present regimes were explored and presented by different panelists as the major obstacles of peace and stability as well as the resultant absence of growth and development. The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa was represented at the conference by Mr. Tesfaye Deressa, who did a presentation on the ever intensifying crackdowns and persecutions against innocent citizens and their negative socio-economic consequences on both the present generation and the generations to come – as they target the relatively educated and the youth, which are the most productive segments of the society.

The 28th OSA annual conference, which was described as the biggest ever conference convened by the Association, attracted scholars and scientists of various disciplines, leaders of traditional governances such as the Gada Democratic System, human rights activists, environmentalists, journalists, writers, political leaders and many others from back home in Ethiopia and different parts of the world in Diaspora.

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