Exodus of Youth from Zenawi’s Ethiopia through Kenyan Border: NTV Kenya Investigates

Hundreds of young people, who face political repression and economic destitution in Ethiopia, flee through the Kenyan border each week in search of better lives. Journalist Yasin Juma of NTV Kenya goes undercover to investigate as the emigrants seeking safe refuge cross the border into Kenya.

The Kenyan authorities continue to disregard international human rights and refugee protection laws covenants, and charge those fleeing the repressive regime of Zenawi as “illegal aliens.”
For the record, Kenya does not require “entry visas” for those entering from Ethiopia, but an “entry stamp”, that is free of charge. However, to secure this FREE “entry stamp,” desperate young people fleeing the Zenawi regime are forced to pay “human traffickers” (including border security and immigration officials) hefty bribes.


The following are two parts of the documentary by NTV Kenya. Other parts will be posted here as they become available from YouTube.

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